Grand Haven is home for many fun activities, and riding electric bikes is one of our favorites! MACkite is a family friendly toy shop located in the heart of downtown Grand Haven. You can go into the store and play with any game before you buy it. The Electric Bike Place, powered by MACkite, is located off of Hayes Road just 3.5 miles from downtown. Here you can rent an electric bikes or even purchase one after you fall in love!
Biking around Grand Haven is a common activity. Riding an electric bike is not much different than a normal peddle bike other than the fact that the motor does all of the work for you. With different acceleration modes and speeds that can go up to 20 miles per hour, it will make your biking experience very fun and comfortable. It makes going up hills and traveling long distances seem effortless.
Grand Haven is home to many parks and trails that are perfect for an electric bike adventure! Here is a link to a few of the bike trails in the area: Bike Trails.
We saw the beach from WAY UP!
The beach is a beautiful sight no matter where you’re standing, but this view is outstanding. The hill was a piece of cake to climb too. We were able to ride around the beach and down by the lighthouse all day. It was so relaxing and fun! The boardwalk is the best way to get from the beach to the shops of downtown, and the bikes made it so easy to get back and forth. The boardwalk can get busy though so make sure you don’t get too crazy.
Come visit Grand Haven and try these bikes out for yourself.